{}{} Way of the muslim(3)::with shaikh Yusuf Estes {}{}

Assalam alaikom warahmat Allah wabarakatoh

My brothers and sisters
Here is an episode of the program
Way of the Muslim
Shaikh: Yusuf Estes

The episode is talking about
1- A man who is accusing another person to go to Hell, swearing by Allah, that he will not forgive him!!
2- Obedience to the Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him) is obedience to Allah, and what to do with rulers who do not have knowledge of Islam and acting against the teachings of Islam
3- Spreading of ignorance about Islam as a result of the death of great scholars
High quality avi link .. 121 MB

High quality mp4 link .. 74 MB

Medium quality mp4 link .. 33 MB
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بتول المسجد الأقصي ; 01-11-2007 الساعة 03:15 AM
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