Assalam alaykom wa rahmat allah wa barakatuh ,as you know ,arabic muslims are less than one fifth of muslim population ,even the largest muslim country (indonesia) are not arab ,thats really funny and amazing ,anyway i know how much muslim love to learn arabic as its the language of the last miracle from Allah ;qur`an and as arabic is the language of the last messanger of allah ;prophet muhammad peace be upon him ,anyway here is the CD
download links
CD 1
MB 202
CD 2
MB 107
CD 3
MB 309
CD 4
MB 239
Also i have uploaded first and second parts a to a server if someone facing a problem ,i can give you a link where you can start and stop then resume download ,these links doesnt support that
انا اسف يا مجاهد انا عارف انك لسه كاتب موضوع عن العربى بس انا حبيت ان الاسطوانات تكون فى موضوع منفصل واذا حبيت تضم الموضوع ده للتانى يبقى شوف اللى فيه الخير![]()