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The Quran - The Book Of Tolerance
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The Quran - The Book Of Tolerance

By Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki
Imam Anwar al Awlaki has studied under the well known noble Shuyukh: Saleh Mohammed ibn Uthaymeen, Hassan Maqbooli al Ahdal, Hussein ibn Mahfoodh, Abdul Rahman Shumailah al Ahdal, Hamud Shumailah al Ahdal amongst many others. The Imam holds Ijazas in the following: Tajweed ul Qur'an according to the recitation of Hafs an Asim Sahih al Bukhari (through three high isnaads one being the highest existing isnaad in the world) Sahih Muslim Al Muwatta by Imam Malik and Al Minhaaj by Imam Nawawi on Shafi'i Fiqh. He is the author of the audio series on “The Lives of the Prophets”, “The Hereafter”, “The Life and Time of Abu Bakr”, “The Life and Time of Umar” , “The Messenger of Allah” along with other single lectures. Currently he resides in Yemen.
Awlaki has served as an Imam in Colorado, California, and most recently in the Washington, DC, area where he headed the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Centre and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University
Now the full lecture is free for you
Clik on one of the following links
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http://audio.islamicmedia.com.au/anwar%20alawlaki/The%20Quran%20-%20The%20Book%20Of%20Tolerance%20(Dealing%20With%2 0Differences).mp3
http://www.ayyaz.com.pk/Lectures/Imam.Anwar.Al-Awlaki/The.Quran.-.The.Book.of.Tolerance.(Dealing.with.Differences)/The.Quran.-.The.Book.of.Tolerance.(Dealing.with.Differences). mp3
Dont forget Pray to Allah for me & for Ommah
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